Building Compliance NZ Limited will provide compliance solutions tailor made for your building and ensuring compliance with the industry’s legal and regulatory framework.
We focus on providing the best possible service for our client’s to protect their buildings and minimising the risks to all occupants in the event of an emergency.
Our core services include
Building Compliance
IQP site inspections of a building
- Delivering compliance solutions
- Speedy resolution of compliance issues
- Processing changes to compliance schedule
- Concise and easily understood reporting to clients
- Liaising with Territorial Authorities
Building Warrant of Fitness’s (BWoF)
Develop reporting procedures
- Specialist IQP – BWoF inspections
- Auditing BWoF records
- Ensuring all specified systems are operating
- Submitting required documentation to T.A’s
- Issuing Form 12 Building Warrant of Fitness
Fire Evacuation Schemes
- Specialist in approved Fire Evacuation Schemes
- Conducting of safe fire Evacuation Drills
- The training of Building Fire Wardens
- Liasing and reporting to NZ Fire Service
- Site specific training modules
- Ensuring the safety of all building occupants
Who we work with
We have the experience to provide expert advice and personal assistance across the following
We have the experience to provide expert advice and personal assistance across the following
- Aged Care Facilities
- Agricultural Sites
- Banks
- Car park complexes
- Casinos
- Construction Industry
- Corrections Facilities
- District Council Buildings
- Early Childhood Learning Centres
- Fitness Centres
- Hospitality Industry
- Hospitals and Health Providers
- Kohanga Reo
- Manufacturing Plants
- Motels
- Places of Worship
- Regional Council buildings
- Schools
- Shopping Malls
- Sporting Clubs & Facilities
- Supermarkets
- Tertiary Education Centres
- Tourism Industry sites
- Veterinarian Clinics
- World Events staged in NZ
- And special one off marquee events
- Limited over one day cricket matches